martes, 4 de junio de 2013



Coamo, 4 de junio de 2013. A continuación artículo escrito por Rose Robles en ingles. Comienza la cita.“Is Puerto Rico really 50 years behind the times? Ley 154 August 4th 2008, now 5 years why has it not been enforced? I'm upset when I get a call that “I called the mayor’s office they can't help the dog situation”. I'm upset when I hear that the dogs are in the trash and someone is going to poison them. I’m mad as hell when the pit bull that I have been feeding and watering was poisoned! Because he didn't have a home to go too! I'm upset when I hear that the Sanitation Department will pick up the dogs and drop them off at another location. But a badly decayed dog on Route 14 NO one can call the Sanitation Department or City Hall to have it removed. Today I removed that decomposed dog along with a sick puppy that was hit and killed.

Coamo has a non-profit organization called THE MISFITS PET ORPHANAGE we are trying to help this awful situation; were is the local elected administration of Coamo. We all need to call City Hall and Federal Government and demand help not only in Coamo but all over Our Island. Let’s works together come up with some kind of solutions to minimize the problem. We need everyone’s help it does matter want party you are. I welcome you to our meetings, please come so we can work together and come up with a plan that will help the poor dogs and cats of Puerto Rico. We need compassionate and honest volunteers, food, donations for transportation and medical. We need your help! Please call me at 787-471-7075. If you see anyone mistreat any animal please call your local police department. Thank you for your time. Rose Robles, President.” Termina la cita.

Los retratos en este artículo fueron tomados por la líder comunitaria Rose Robles y para más información pueden visitar la página electrónica de esta organización en el portal de Facebook  Además le recordamos que pueden visitar nuestra página electrónica WWW.NOTICIASILLESCANOS.COM para más información o videos de este tema y otros temas.

Editado por Ramón Luis Vázquez Collazo de la Prensa Independiente y Otros Servicios.